Factors to know when designing billboards

Design billboards always need to be calculated and meticulous in the stage of construction. Therefore, right from the beginning of design ideas, design units had to calculate a lot of details to be able to create the most perfect product.

Post date: 19-12-2018

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Not as expensive as traditional forms of advertising such as TVC advertising on television or distributing leaflets and flyers about the product. However, billboards still have great effects on product communication. And to achieve this success, right from the design of billboards, the unit has paid great attention to the factors affecting the product. In order to give you an overview of how to create a good advertising sign product, we have analyzed the factors affecting the process of creating products in advertising construction activities. Let's find out!

Highly identifiable

A billboard design product is only called successful when they are really effective in identifying customers. That is, just seeing the name or a sign that reminds customers will immediately recognize your product. Doing this is the advertising design has been more than 60% effective use. This is expressed through unique fonts, eye-catching, proprietary logos or the slogan of your product or company. Specialized construction units always put creative criteria on the top because only that can make your products become attractive and have specific signs of identification.

All borrowing will lead to failure.

Good product quality and durable.

For the best design of billboards to customers, the quality or durability is not to be missed. With the characteristics of being subjected to many impacts of weather such as rain, wind, storms, it is not easy to create a design billboard. And only specialized construction companies can advertise the peace of mind for customers.

Currently, materials such as aluminum, iron and stainless steel are considered extremely durable and suitable for these signs.

Have the best price and preferential service.


Not only providing quality billboard designs but also attentive, enthusiastic support for customers. Many construction units have built a design consultancy department, including Hoang Pham to help customers learn more about billboards. In addition, due to the relatively bulky nature, customers will receive the help of the design units themselves. The price to design, install extremely reasonable and many incentives. With the above advantages, there will be no reason to refuse a good service and excellent quality from professional billboard design units, especially Hoang Pham!


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